Organizational Design Organizational Design Organizational Design

R. Brayton Bowen, SHRM Senior Certified Professional
howland group

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Organizational Design and Analysis

According to research information approximately 80% of American business is non-aligned with key strategies and objectives - prompting any number to consider the merits of simply "downsizing" rather than "aligning" their structures strategically. Inefficient organizational structures, restricted technology applications, outdated work processes, and poor people practices are systematically robbing most organizations of their full potential. Working with client-designated design teams and client-specific databases, we assess organizational structures and their alignment with business strategy. We make comprehensive objective evaluations of functions, activities, and people resources to develop recommendations for new structures that improve human, technical, and financial performance. Our advisors are also available to assist with plan implementation.

When the public relations executive of a multinational telecommunications organization was looking for advice to realign his regional operations, he called us. His satisfaction with our work brought the following:

" The Howland Group's process for organizational design and analysis enabled us to exceed management’s expectations significantly."
A regional health care client recently remarked:

"One of the most common concerns among staff is that through this redesign process we will lose the essence of what makes this organization so special, but I’ve come to realize that this is the only way to preserve it."

Clients utilizing our services realize anywhere from 10 to 70 times return on their investment. What have been the results?

  • An average of $1 - $3 million in savings for every 1,000 employees.
  • Increased productivity through employee involvement and strategic redesign.
  • Customized approaches to addressing company specific needs.

We’re making it easier for firms like yours to realize the kinds of returns for clients like ours. And, while every assignment is different, you can improve the performance of your organization even more. Call or contact us for further information. You can’t afford not to.