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R. Brayton Bowen, SHRM Senior Certified Professional
howland group

About the Book

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About the Book

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- Strategic Positioning
- Organizations By Design
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THE HOWLAND GROUP® was originally founded in 1991 by R. Brayton Bowen, AM, SHRM-SCP as a Delaware corporation and reincorporated in Kentucky as an LLC in 2014. The firm is based in Louisville and provides consulting and advisory services throughout the United States.

Committed to designing and implementing constructive, innovative, and effective organizational solutions to business challenges, the company brings the best state of current knowledge to every situation, while drawing on the experience and intellectual capital of its consulting resources.

  • Our Vision is to be the resource of choice for Building Better Worlds of Work®.
  • Our Mission is to provide enlightened practices for workplace success.
  • Our Goal is to optimize client performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Our Promise is to provide prompt assistance and effective solutions that add value to the performance equation.

R. Brayton Bowen, AM, SHRM-SCP
President and Senior Business Advisor

R Brayton Bowen, AM, SHRM-SCP is an organization consultant, author, and professional speaker. He has served as senior officer for Fortune 500 companies, including GENERAL MILLS and CAPITAL HOLDING CORPORATION (now AEGON) and has more than 25 years of corporate and consulting experience. He leads THE HOWLAND GROUP®, a strategy consulting, human resource development, and change management firm, based in Louisville and committed to BUILDING BETTER WORLDS OF WORK®.

He is author of Engaging the Hearts for People, Performance, and Profit, Seven Competencies of Compassion@Work (Building Better Worlds of Work Press), Recognizing and Rewarding Employees (MCGRAW-HILL), The Incredible Power of a Pat on the Back (BROWNHERRON), Leading In the Face of Terrorism (BROWNHERRON), and When Bad Things Happen to Good Managers (TRANSFORMATA) - a guide for dealing with job loss and personal life change. He served on the Advisory Board and was a contributor to AMACOM's Auditing Your Human Resources Department (AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION). He was also a best practice editor and contributing author to BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource (BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING and PERSEUS BOOKS); a contributing author to Q-FINANCE (BLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING); and has written for MWorld, the on-line magazine of the AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION.

Brayton is the 2012 recipient of the James E. Flynn Peacemaking award for his work in the areas of social responsibility and social justice. His community outreach initiatives for which he received the award included work with unemployed, uninsured, and indigent populations. The award honors those who, on a local, national, or international basis, have made a significant contribution in the area of social justice.

His advice and opinions have been featured in nationally recognized publications, including HARVARD's Management Update, Across the Board, Management Review, HR Magazine, Industry Week, Association Management, BERRETT-KOEHLER's At Work, Christian Science Monitor, Retail Business Review, Training, and The Wall Street Journal.

He has spoken before national trade associations and professional organizations and was a contributing instructional writer on the subject of Systemwide Leadership Development for SETON HALL's Virtual University. He both hosted and co-produced the documentary series Anger in the Workplace, distributed nationally to public radio. He was also featured with professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter of the HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL in an executive series, Management Speaks.

Brayton has been invited to teach at Northwood University, The University of Phoenix, The University of Dayton, and McKendree University, where he both founded and led the CENTER FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE. He holds both a bachelor's and master's degrees from BROWN UNIVERSITY. For further information: telephone 502-558-2154 or email


OUR CONSULTANTS AND ADVISORS are assigned according to client needs. Biographical information is provided for the client's consideration before the start on any project.