Anger Management and Conflict Resolution Anger Management and Conflict Resolution Anger Management and Conflict Resolution

R. Brayton Bowen, SHRM Senior Certified Professional
howland group

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Conflict Resolution and Anger Management

The American workplace is changing at an unprecedented rate of speed. Workplace issues, including those involving harassment, work rage, and even violence, are on the rise. Whether it’s the US Postal Service in Milwaukee, Wisconsin or Xerox in Honolulu, Hawaii, leadership in every organization is being challenged to confront business issues affecting employee safety, customer welfare, and bottom line profitability. Approximately 1000 homicides are reported in the workplace annually and 18,000 assaults weekly, according to Government reports. These are alarming statistics that translate to real losses both in human lives and in billions of dollars annually, but the underlying causes are often left unnoticed and unattended until it’s too late.

The Howland Group offers real solutions to these serious issues:

  • Risk and Vulnerability Analyses - Determine how vulnerable your organization is to workplace rage, including sabotage, personal assaults, and information piracy.
  • Climate Assessments - Learn how disposed your managers, employees, and customers are to harming your organization.
  • Prevention Programs - Develop a comprehensive plan and related policies to protect your organization against acts of anger, violence, and sabotage.
  • Leadership Training - Identify the ways in which your managers may be contributing to a hostile work environment and what they can do about it.
  • Anger Management Workshops - Train your organization in the effectiveness of anger management before it gets out of control.
  • Intervention - Utilize the services of our trained counselors and advisors to intervene in those areas that represent "hot spots" in your organization.

If you aren’t aware of your legal responsibility to provide a safe environment for your employees; if you have concerns about personal safety; if you’re aware of threats against someone in your organization; if you are uncertain about how to read the warning signs of imminent danger, call or contact us today. You can’t afford not to.